Joining a Bowling League with Chad Christian Clift

Bowling is a social sport that Seattle Chef Chad Christian Clift is very fond of. He tries to spend as much of his free time as possible perfecting his technique and game. He has found that joining a bowling league is a very rewarding decision. While there are some people who prefer to bowl by themselves, maybe to practice certain throws or placements, the game of bowling is really meant for human interaction. This is ironic, as play of the game is only dependent upon the player, the ball, and the lane itself.

Chad Christian Clift

For new bowlers, joining a league can be intimidating. Unless you are an absolute natural at the game and continually break triple digits, it can be scary showing others that you are not the ideal bowler, yet. The best thing to do, according to Clift, is to look around the local bowling alleys and get a feel for the leagues that are already in existence. Remember, it is not only the league members that you need to be comfortable with, but also the bowling alley itself. If the alley is too crowded, too noisy, or set up poorly, you may not want to join a league there. Once you have found an alley that you are comfortable with, then start talking to the league members. Chad Christian Clift reports that a good bowling alley will have its own league coordinator, who can tell you which leagues have open positions.